«The Apprentice Engineer», II Engineering Fair

From the 21st to 27th of September, the II Fair of Engineering «The Apprentice Engineer» took place at the School of Agronomist Engineers, part of the Technical University of Madrid. Many students from different schools have passed through our tents and were amazed by the work we do in college and particularly in our association, AETEL. One of the most emotional and remarkable moments to me was on Saturday (last day of the fair), when parents and children came really interested in knowing about technical careers and their role in the development of society. While I was making a demonstration of the destructive power of our sumobots, a child began to wonder about how we make them. His eyes were full of enthusiasm for building these little robots which somehow they moved inexplicably by themselves. As long as I was telling him every single component: microprocessor, reflective sensors, ultrasound… the little boy could not stop pulling from his mother’s arm in order to write everything down on a piece of paper.

Nuestros miembros sujetan a sus luchadores
Source: Flickr

In addition, apart from the robots we had homemade 3d printers. These machines are capable of printing any 3d model that has been previously design with a computer. Thus, thanks to them we can have in a few hours a physical piece that before was just an idea in our head, impossible for others to see.

Tres alumnos miran absortos como surge la magia
Source: El Pais

Moreover, volunteers have been enjoying free time exchanging ideas and experiences with other volunteers- engineers about quality testing, design gliders, virtual reality … etc.

Without further ado, we return to our routine with new ideas, projects and dreams so you all may see and enjoy them next year.


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